Helping Aboriginal People
     Heal Themselves.

Yellowknives Dene First Nation

Grant ID:

Title: Yellowknives Dene First Nation Healing Project

Project Description:
The project will provide one on one and group counselling services to Survivors and Intergenerationally Impacted community members. The project will also provide culturally appropriate talking circles and sweat lodges for the community members.

The project will hold a week-long on the land camp for Survivors to address the trauma they encountered in Residential Schools.

The project will identify healthy role models who can work with the project to provide support to community members.

End Date:
March 31, 2010

AHF Contribution:

Primary Contact:

Ms Jeanne Marie Cadieux
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 867-873-4307
Fax: 867-873-8517

Organization Address:

P.O. Box 2514
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P8
