Helping Aboriginal People
     Heal Themselves.

Ilisaqsivik Society

Grant ID:

Title: Restoring Our Present, Building Our Future

Project Description:
The project will provide one-on-one counselling through a Family Counsellor to address issues of pain, abandonment, grief, abuse and low self esteem and will encourage the participants to move on in their healing process from disclosure to developing healthy boundaries and self-care.

The project will provide ongoing women's sewing circles, men's support group meetings and a men's on-the-land healing/hunting program. All three of these activities will provide opportunities for participants to discuss and learn about past abuse, grief and loss, overcoming addictions and current problems that they are experiencing.
The project will provide youth programming, including a nightly drop-in program and access to a night youth worker to address issues of abuse passed on from parents and grandparents who attended Residential Schools. Youth will be encouraged to move along their healing paths and develop healthy boundaries and practice self-care.

The project will provide personal development workshops and a land based healing program designed to help participants heal from the pain associated from physical and sexual abuse.
The project staff, including the Family Counsellor, will also be provided training to assist community
members dealing with physical and sexual abuse.

End Date:
March 31, 2010

AHF Contribution:

Primary Contact:

Mr. Jakob Gearheard
Tel: 867-924-6565
Fax: 867-924-6570

Organization Address:
Box 150
Clyde River, NU X0A 0E0
