Helping Aboriginal People
     Heal Themselves.

Kivalliq Inuit Association

Grant ID:

Title: Somebody's Daughter

Project Description:
The project will provide an on-the-land program called 'Somebody's Daughter'. This program will be targeted towards women Survivors, single mothers and abused women who have been impacted by the Legacy of Residential School Abuse.

The program will provide counselling and healing activities and will develop cultural pride and identity through learning traditional Inuit survival skills. The project will also enhance literacy skills and will teach women about alternative life skills and will help them develop life skills.

End Date:
March 31, 2010

AHF Contribution:

Primary Contact:
Ms. Emily Beardsall
Social Development Coordinator
Tel: 867-645-2800
Fax: 867-645-2348

Organization Address:
Box 340
Rankin Inlet, NU X0C 0G0
