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Press Releases & Open Editorials

"A recent Ottawa Citizen editorial stated that the Inuit were exempt from Canada’s residential school system. This is incorrect ...."

"The Aboriginal Healing Foundation’s Latest Study Looks at the Potential Health and Social Impacts of Indian Residential School Lump Sum Payments."

"The Aboriginal Healing Foundation's Board of Directors, today, announced the publication of a three-volume Final Report which presents a detailed narrative of the AHF's activities over the past six years.”

"The Aboriginal Healing Foundation's Board of Directors today acknowledged the Government of Canada's 5-year commitment of $125 million to sustaining the critical work of healing the legacy of abuse suffered in Canada's Indian Residential School System.”

"Today, the website Where are the Children? was launched live at 10:00 a.m. EST, at Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON."

"The Aboriginal Healing Foundation, Legacy of Hope Foundation, Library and Archives Canada and Donna Cona launch the www.wherearethechildren.ca and www.lesenfantsdevenus.ca website."

"The Aboriginal Healing Foundation today welcomed the Government of Canada's announcement of 40 million dollars for healing initiatives related to residential schools."

"Georges Erasmus, former National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations and current President of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation (ahf), today expressed his sorrow at the passing of friend and former colleague Ramon John Hnatyshyn."

"We have all seen the recent words of David Ahenakew. The spirit is familiar. Here, again, the ugly spectre of anti-Semitism."

"New Directors Appointed to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation Board."

"...responding to the Hamilton Spectator's comments on the expenditure of funds by the Aboriginal Healing Foundation."

"Aboriginal Healing Foundation Publishes its Annual Report 2000."

"Aboriginal Healing Foundation Announces Healing Centre Calls for Proposals."

"Aboriginal Healing Foundation appoints new Directors to Board."

"Healing Residential School Survivors, their Families & descendants: AHF funds first 35 community projects."

"Aboriginal Healing Foundation completes election of directors; Board to manage $350 million healing fund."